Category Archives: Article

Five Tips to Improve your Company’s Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity has been a hot topic in Quebec over the past few months. Unsurprisingly, there are still some magical thinkers out there who claim they are immune to cyberattacks for some strange reason. However, most organizations invest time and money in securing their assets, even if the current set of services doesn’t make their life […]

Cybersecurity: You Can’t Buy Peace of Mind like a New Phone

Cybersecurity has evolved tremendously in recent years. In the early 2000s, digital attacks were isolated. Criminals mostly targeted intellectual property, bank accounts, credit card numbers, and strategic or military information. Today, cybercrime is everywhere. It’s very well organized and very well funded. It’s a fine-tuned industry that snaps up all of your data, then monetizes […]

How Would a Cyberattack Affect your Business?

After reading our first two blog posts, you should have a better understanding of the main players behind cyberattacks and how some of them operate. Now you have a new question to answer: “Is my company ready to deal with a cyberattack?” Instead of listing everything you need to think of before, during, and after […]

Loi 25 : Quoi faire maintenant?  

Le 21 septembre 2021, l’Assemblée nationale du Québec a adopté la Loi modernisant des dispositions législatives en matière de protection des renseignements personnels1. Anciennement appelé projet de loi 64, il est maintenant possible d’y référer par un nom plus court, soit la Loi 25.   La Loi 25 prévoit une entrée en vigueur progressive des nouvelles […]

La guerre numérique n’a pas de frontière

Depuis l’invasion de l’Ukraine par la Russie le 24 février, les médias n’ont jamais autant parlé de cyberattaques. Si les gens comprennent que les pays dans une guerre ouverte ne s’attaquent plus seulement aux infrastructures rivales avec des obus, les cyberattaques demeurent un concept très abstrait. Voici donc quelques techniques d’attaques utilisées par les parties prenantes […]

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