Le 17 août 2022, Apple annonçait la disponibilité d’une mise à jour urgente pour régler deux vulnérabilités. Il s’agissait de deux failles de cybersécurité permettant à un attaquant de prendre le contrôle total d’un produit Apple comme votre iPhone. Comment de telles vulnérabilités ouvrent les portes aux criminels et comment mieux se protéger? C’est ce que je […]
Avec l’entrée en vigueur de la Loi modernisant des dispositions législatives en matière de protection des renseignements personnels, le Québec devient la première province du Canada à améliorer son régime de protection des renseignements personnels afin de le mettre à niveau aux nouvelles réalités technologiques. Cette loi, qui vient modifier et moderniser plusieurs lois, incluant la Loi […]
Collaboration tools such as Microsoft 365 (MS 365) allow us to access and take advantage of multiple functionalities, including the ease of sharing one or more files, both inside and outside the organization. These features greatly increase productivity and reduce the need to share these documents by email. However, access to these files remains and […]
It would be rather surprising if you haven’t heard of the Act to modernize legislative provisions as regards the protection of personal information (more commonly known as Bill 64, now Law 25), which was assented to by the National Assembly in September 2021. With this legal reform, Quebec became the first province in Canada to […]
Cybersecurity has been a hot topic in Quebec over the past few months. Unsurprisingly, there are still some magical thinkers out there who claim they are immune to cyberattacks for some strange reason. However, most organizations invest time and money in securing their assets, even if the current set of services doesn’t make their life […]